A study that compared outcomes of RRTs led by residents vs. ICU attendings finds that both groups had similar outcomes. In what authors are billing as the first study to examine RRT physician staffing, researchers compared outcomes from RRTs called during the day—which were headed up by ICU attendings—at one academic center to those called during nights and weekends, when residents led the RRT. They found similar rates among both groups of progression to cardiac arrest, as well as of ICU transfers and patient mortality. However, residents heading up RRTs ordered more invasive tests than did more experienced attendings, and authors called for prospective trials to gauge optimal staffing. The retrospective study, which was posted online by Resuscitation, relied on data from the University of Pennsylvania gathered between 2006 and 2010. Read more in Resuscitation.
Por princípio sou contra a utilização de residentes desta forma (versus staff), mas o que tiro de mais importante daqui é o seguinte: toda atividade que facilitar este tipo de comparação, favorecerá algo que dificilmente se traduzirá em uma carreita médica sustentável. Por isso, não confundir alhos com bugalhos...
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Times de Resposta Rápida - Uma visão crítica por Bob Wachter, o pai da Medicina Hospitalar
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