Mais feliz do que por ter recebido a distinção da Society of Hospital Medicine (como primeiro non-US-based physician), fiquei em razão de depoimentos de pessoas especiais que acompanharam minha luta de cerca de 8 anos pela promoção do modelo com hospitalistas no Brasil (vide abaixo). Valeu a pena! Basta só isto para dizer que valeu muito a pena.
SHM's Fellows program is rooted in the Society's Core Competencies in Hospital Medicine, and those who earn the FHM, SFHM, or MHM designations have demonstrated a commitment to hospital medicine, system change, and quality improvement principles.
Aproveito o momento para dividir o resultado com outras pessoas que foram indispensáveis ao longo deste processo: Tiago Daltoé, Roger Pirath Rodrigues (que me acompanham desde os primórdios do movimento, hoje hospitalistas), Sami El Jundi, João Luiz Marin Casagrande, Douglas Dal Más Freitas, Ricardo Parolin Schnekenberg, Lucas Zambon, Kleynér Petró e Renata Freitas - fundamentais para o PASHA2010, sendo que os dois últimos não são da área da saúde, contribuiram na gestão estratégica, financeira e política de negócios do evento, e foram essenciais para o sucesso (financeiro, inclusive, e apesar da não aceitação de qualquer finaciamento da indústria de medicamentos); Fabiana Rolla - pela parceria para o recente evento de Pediatria Hospitalar; Diogo Machado e Gibran Avelino Frandoloso - como símbolos de algo que deveria ocorrer mais: nunca condicionaram estar na vitrine, mas sempre participaram ativamente de tudo e ajudaram demais. Quanto mais trabalham, mais se afastam da esfera política, movimentos que deveriam não ser dicotômicos, como, infelizmente, costuma ocorrer. E por fim: Luciano Bauer Gröhs. Eu e ele discordamos de várias coisas relativas a visões de mundo e não foi diferente com questões relacionadas ao encaminhamento da MH brasileira. Mas sabe como poucos o tom para sugerir e fazer críticas, e foi fundamental para a MH brasileira e para meu crescimento pessoal. É outro que optou por ajudar muito durante o meu período na SOBRAMH, mas sem interesse naquele momento por cargos diretivos. Poderia ter sido o novo presidente, se quisesse. Não deveria estar distante de qualquer discussão acerca do futuro do movimento.
September 15, 2011
Society of Hospital Medicine,
Fellow in Hospital Medicine Committee
Dear Committee Members:
It is with a great pleasure I write this recommendation letter for Guilherme Brauner Barcellos. Doctor Barcellos has worked tirelessly on behalf of hospital medicine and has been an active member of the Society of Hospital Medicine for many years. I have known him for 5 years. I have reviewed his credentials personally. There are no issues with his quality of care, his dedication to hospital medicine, and to the Society of Hospital Medicine. There is no doubt he will advocate on behalf of the field of hospital medicine and make future contributions.
The most impressive thing about Guilherme is his skill in developing hospital medicine in Brazil. He essentially founded the Brazilian Society of Hospital Medicine and has been instrumental in the formation of the Pan American Society of Hospitalists. He has traveled around the United States. He has spent time at Mayo Clinic and other medical centers learning about the American system of hospital medicine. Due to his efforts, hospital medicine has taken an excellent foot-hold in Brazil. He has organized conferences in several of the South American countries, most notably the conferences in Brazil have been done without the support of Pharma.
He is providing high quality of care. There is no doubt that his efforts have promoted a hospital medicine focus in his teaching institution. He understands very well the concept of the interdisciplinary team and advocates on behalf of the learners on his service and his co-works and works very diligently in promoting hospital medicine with the concept of quality, safety, and efficiency for the Brazilian medical system.
In conclusion, I give my absolute highest recommendation to Guilherme Brauner Barcellos as a Fellow in Hospital Medicine. His tireless efforts have made a huge difference in South America and hospital medicine. And he will definitely be an asset to the Society of Hospital Medicine.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
James S. Newman, M.D., SFHM
Mayo Clinic
September 16, 2011
Society of Hospital Medicine,
Fellow in Hospital Medicine Committee
Dear SHM Fellows Committee:
It is a true pleasure to write this strong letter in support of Dr. Guilherme Brauner Barcellos’s application for the Fellow in Hospital Medicine. I have known Guilherme for the past four years and can think of no one who embodies the character and spirit of Hospital Medicine more.
I originally met Guilherme after I received his invitation to speak at the I Brazilian Congress of Hospital Medicine in Gramado, Brazil. Guilherme was one of the original founders of the Brazilian Society and organizing the conference was a mammoth undertaking, given that hospital medicine in Brazil is still in its infancy. Guilherme ran the conference with a level of skill and experience befitting of a seasoned hospitalist.
Guilherme is extremely intelligent, hard working and knowledgeable about all the facets of hospital medicine. He has made it a point to travel throughout the United States to learn as much as possible about how hospital medicine is practiced here. Guilherme’s ethics and morals are equally of the highest caliber as he eliminated any pharmaceutical sponsorship of his conference. To Guilherme it was critical not to have any perceived conflicts of interest during the meeting. A few years ago, Guilherme also helped form the Pan American Society of Hospital Medicine (PASHA). A have had the pleasure of serving alongside Guilherme as board member of the society and remain amazed at how he is able to take on such a large responsibility and mets the demands of his profession at his local instituition.
In summary, Guilherme Brauner Barcellos is the best that hospital medicine has to offer. He has been a tireless advocate for the practice of hospital medicine not only in his native Brazil but across South America. It is my pleasure to give him my highest level of support for the position of Felllow in Hospital Medicine.
Neil Winawer, M.D.
Emory University School of Medicine
Editor-in-Chief, Journal Watch Hospital Medicine
January 6, 2012
Society of Hospital Medicine,
Fellow in Hospital Medicine Committee
Dear SHM Fellows Committee,
It is a great pleasure to write to you today to recommend Guilherme Brauner Barcellos for Fellow in Hospital Medicine designation. Guilherme has been one of the two or three most important physicians to promote hospital medicine based outside of the U.S.
Guilherme founded the Hospital Medicine movement in Brazil. He has been to multiple SHM Annual Meetings travelling from Porto Alegre in the Southern Brazil at great expense. He created SOBRAMH, the Brazilian Society for Hospital Medicine some 5 years ago. Furthermore, he has organized two major conferences in Brazil on Hospital Medicine.
Guilherme has been a co-moderator with me for the International Hospitalists Interest Group for a few years now, leading to being a cochairman of the International Hospitalists Section for SHM. He is now one of the first non-US-based reviewers for the Journal of Hospital Medicine.
In summary, it would give me great satisfaction to see Guilherme receive the Fellow in Hospital Medicine designation in 2012. He is clearly deserving for this recognition by our Society.
Efren Manjarrez, M.D, FHM
Associate Chief Patient Safety and Quality Officer
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
January 13, 2012
Society of Hospital Medicine,
Fellow in Hospital Medicine Committee
Dear Sirs,
I very enthusiastically would like to endorse Dr. Guilherme Barcellos' application for SHM fellow. I have known Guillherme for the past year. He is truly a visionary and pioneer in the hospital medicine arena. He has been president and founder of the Panamerican Society of Hospital Medicine and the Brazilian Society of Hospital Medicine. He has introduced the discipline of hospital medicine to Brazil and Latin America and as such continues to advance the field tremendously. Guilherme recently organized the first Brazilian Pediatric Hospital Medicine Meeting of which I was fortunate enough to be one of the participants. His contribution to the success of this meeting was essential and he was instrumental in getting pediatricians together to discuss this novel area of practice for Brazilian pediatricians. I know also of Guilherme's work on the influence of the drug industry in medical practice. I believe that the hospital medicine world will end up owing much of its international growth, and certainly the growth in Latin America, to Dr. Barcellos. I strongly endorse and support his candidacy as a Fellow in Hospital Medicine, due to his strong commitment to the field, character and ethics. Please feel free to contact me with any other questions.
Ricardo Quinonez, M.D.
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Section of Pediatric Hospital Medicine
Section Director - Research and Quality
Baylor College of Medicine
Texas Children's Hospital
Society of Hospital Medicine,
Fellow in Hospital Medicine Committee
Dear Committee Members:
It is with a great pleasure I write this recommendation letter for Guilherme Brauner Barcellos. Doctor Barcellos has worked tirelessly on behalf of hospital medicine and has been an active member of the Society of Hospital Medicine for many years. I have known him for 5 years. I have reviewed his credentials personally. There are no issues with his quality of care, his dedication to hospital medicine, and to the Society of Hospital Medicine. There is no doubt he will advocate on behalf of the field of hospital medicine and make future contributions.
The most impressive thing about Guilherme is his skill in developing hospital medicine in Brazil. He essentially founded the Brazilian Society of Hospital Medicine and has been instrumental in the formation of the Pan American Society of Hospitalists. He has traveled around the United States. He has spent time at Mayo Clinic and other medical centers learning about the American system of hospital medicine. Due to his efforts, hospital medicine has taken an excellent foot-hold in Brazil. He has organized conferences in several of the South American countries, most notably the conferences in Brazil have been done without the support of Pharma.
He is providing high quality of care. There is no doubt that his efforts have promoted a hospital medicine focus in his teaching institution. He understands very well the concept of the interdisciplinary team and advocates on behalf of the learners on his service and his co-works and works very diligently in promoting hospital medicine with the concept of quality, safety, and efficiency for the Brazilian medical system.
In conclusion, I give my absolute highest recommendation to Guilherme Brauner Barcellos as a Fellow in Hospital Medicine. His tireless efforts have made a huge difference in South America and hospital medicine. And he will definitely be an asset to the Society of Hospital Medicine.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
James S. Newman, M.D., SFHM
Mayo Clinic
September 16, 2011
Society of Hospital Medicine,
Fellow in Hospital Medicine Committee
Dear SHM Fellows Committee:
It is a true pleasure to write this strong letter in support of Dr. Guilherme Brauner Barcellos’s application for the Fellow in Hospital Medicine. I have known Guilherme for the past four years and can think of no one who embodies the character and spirit of Hospital Medicine more.
I originally met Guilherme after I received his invitation to speak at the I Brazilian Congress of Hospital Medicine in Gramado, Brazil. Guilherme was one of the original founders of the Brazilian Society and organizing the conference was a mammoth undertaking, given that hospital medicine in Brazil is still in its infancy. Guilherme ran the conference with a level of skill and experience befitting of a seasoned hospitalist.
Guilherme is extremely intelligent, hard working and knowledgeable about all the facets of hospital medicine. He has made it a point to travel throughout the United States to learn as much as possible about how hospital medicine is practiced here. Guilherme’s ethics and morals are equally of the highest caliber as he eliminated any pharmaceutical sponsorship of his conference. To Guilherme it was critical not to have any perceived conflicts of interest during the meeting. A few years ago, Guilherme also helped form the Pan American Society of Hospital Medicine (PASHA). A have had the pleasure of serving alongside Guilherme as board member of the society and remain amazed at how he is able to take on such a large responsibility and mets the demands of his profession at his local instituition.
In summary, Guilherme Brauner Barcellos is the best that hospital medicine has to offer. He has been a tireless advocate for the practice of hospital medicine not only in his native Brazil but across South America. It is my pleasure to give him my highest level of support for the position of Felllow in Hospital Medicine.
Neil Winawer, M.D.
Emory University School of Medicine
Editor-in-Chief, Journal Watch Hospital Medicine
January 6, 2012
Society of Hospital Medicine,
Fellow in Hospital Medicine Committee
Dear SHM Fellows Committee,
It is a great pleasure to write to you today to recommend Guilherme Brauner Barcellos for Fellow in Hospital Medicine designation. Guilherme has been one of the two or three most important physicians to promote hospital medicine based outside of the U.S.
Guilherme founded the Hospital Medicine movement in Brazil. He has been to multiple SHM Annual Meetings travelling from Porto Alegre in the Southern Brazil at great expense. He created SOBRAMH, the Brazilian Society for Hospital Medicine some 5 years ago. Furthermore, he has organized two major conferences in Brazil on Hospital Medicine.
Guilherme has been a co-moderator with me for the International Hospitalists Interest Group for a few years now, leading to being a cochairman of the International Hospitalists Section for SHM. He is now one of the first non-US-based reviewers for the Journal of Hospital Medicine.
In summary, it would give me great satisfaction to see Guilherme receive the Fellow in Hospital Medicine designation in 2012. He is clearly deserving for this recognition by our Society.
Efren Manjarrez, M.D, FHM
Associate Chief Patient Safety and Quality Officer
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
January 13, 2012
Society of Hospital Medicine,
Fellow in Hospital Medicine Committee
Dear Sirs,
I very enthusiastically would like to endorse Dr. Guilherme Barcellos' application for SHM fellow. I have known Guillherme for the past year. He is truly a visionary and pioneer in the hospital medicine arena. He has been president and founder of the Panamerican Society of Hospital Medicine and the Brazilian Society of Hospital Medicine. He has introduced the discipline of hospital medicine to Brazil and Latin America and as such continues to advance the field tremendously. Guilherme recently organized the first Brazilian Pediatric Hospital Medicine Meeting of which I was fortunate enough to be one of the participants. His contribution to the success of this meeting was essential and he was instrumental in getting pediatricians together to discuss this novel area of practice for Brazilian pediatricians. I know also of Guilherme's work on the influence of the drug industry in medical practice. I believe that the hospital medicine world will end up owing much of its international growth, and certainly the growth in Latin America, to Dr. Barcellos. I strongly endorse and support his candidacy as a Fellow in Hospital Medicine, due to his strong commitment to the field, character and ethics. Please feel free to contact me with any other questions.
Ricardo Quinonez, M.D.
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Section of Pediatric Hospital Medicine
Section Director - Research and Quality
Baylor College of Medicine
Texas Children's Hospital
Grande Guilherme, agora que vi esse post. Agradeço muito a menção. Parabéns pelo título, já conversamos antes sobre suas qualidades, nao as preciso repetir aqui. Espero que possamos continuar colaborando para a progressão não só do movimento hospitalista, mas também pela Medicina de Qualidade, Custo-Efetiva e Segura. Grande abraço!